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Seigler Pet Grooming Client Acknowledgement Form for 2024


Client acknowledges that this agreement has been read and agreed to before any services have been completed beginning January 1, 2024. For the purpose of this agreement, the use of acronym "SPG" will represent Seigler Pet Grooming. Please appreciate the following notes, policies, and procedures for 2024.  

Pets are accepted for grooming only under the following circumstances....

  • The pet is fit and healthy. Grooming which takes place on an elderly or infirm pet will be at the owner's risk. Grooming may expose pre-existing health skin conditions for which SPG cannot be held liable. Special circumstances may be made at SPGs discretion but must follow their policy for reporting an injury or quality concern mentioned later in this document. 

  • The pet's rabies vaccine is up to date (as required by law) unless otherwise discussed. 

  • In the event of an emergency, in your absence, you authorize SPG to contact the nearest Veterinarian and authorize the Vet to treat the pet as necessary at your expense. 

  • Payment is to be made at the time of service. Payment can be cash, check, or Venmo. Credit card payments will be accepted at a later date. 

  • “De-matting" or complete coat removal will dramatically alter your pet's appearance. This procedure may expose pre-existing health\skin problems for which SPG cannot be held liable. 


1. Scheduling

Appointments must be made through direct contact with SPG via the business number or in person at existing grooming appointments. SPG reserves the right to adjust start times based on the efficiency of their mobile route for that day. Every effort will be made to keep all appointment start times as close to the agreed upon time. Reasonable notice will be given if possible. Considering the nature of SPGs business, exact start times, though given, do not indicate the exact time that the groomer will arrive. The groomer will alert all clients that he is on the way and provide an exact time that he will arrive. This will take place the day of appointment and in some case may occur after the agreed upon start time--especially if groomer isn't paying attention to the time at the appointment prior to yours. In most circumstances, the groomer is not paying attention to the time. 

  • SPG has no official cancellation policy. Cancel at your own risk. 

  • Mobile grooming becomes challenging and uncomfortable for your pet when temperatures drop below 24 degrees. SPG reserves the right to stack their schedule around colder weather to avoid working when temperatures are under 24 degrees.

  • More than policy and procedures, SPG will strive to treat you as they want to be treated and ask that you do the same. 


2. No-Shows are considered cancellations and are subject to SPG's lack of a cancellation policy. 


3. Pricing

SPG has done and will continue to make mobile grooming as affordable as possible. Because of this, every effort must be taken to manage our mobile routes efficiently. Clients of SPG agree to allow us this flexibility. Travel fees may be accessed with notice for clients who insist on certain days and times after being made aware that it will impact SPGs route for that day.

SPG despises gimmicky pricing models and will provide all and any services for the agreed upon price range. We will not ever charge you extra for things like conditioner, extra deshedding, nail dremmeling, teeth cleaning, ear cleaning, and anything else that they offer. 

***FIRST TIME CLIENTS*** PRICE QUOTES ARE NOT FINAL UNTIL GROOMER HAS COMPLETED THE FIRST GROOM. Once this first service occurs, SPG is able to finalize the quote and agree to that price for future grooms. This is due to the variance in coat condition, dogs behavior, and dogs health. For example, a large dog could have a thin coat and be well behaved where a medium sized dog could be thick coated, poorly behaved, and sick, which would justify a higher price due to the increase in effort needed to safely and effectively work with your dog. SPG prefers to tailor pricing to every client rather than blanket charge our entire market based on size and breed. It is our view that this is more fair to the client and the groomer and is better than charging an hourly rate which creates questions over how long it takes the groomer to complete the groom. SPG will provide an exact quote or a range for the first groom. At the appointment, groomer will finalize that price and every effort will be made to continue at that price for the foreseeable future. 

4. Price Increases for 2024

SPG just finished its first year business and will reevaluate all pricing for all clients in order to establish a sustainable business model that is both competitive and provides clients with safe, professional services, no gimmicks in pricing, and, most importantly, provides their pets with an unmatched mobile grooming experience. 

All current clients will be made aware of their new price for 2024 upon reaching out to schedule their first appointment of the new year. Price changes will go into effect beginning March 1, 2024. If you are not made aware via a message from SPGs business number, please assume that your price will be staying the same. Overall, SPG anticipates a standard price increase of $10 per dog and will then introduce a new pricing structure for new clients only. 


5. Designer Breeds (doodles, schons, orkies, etc...)

If you own a dog that is considered a "designer breed", you must be actively involved in the upkeep of its coat. This is crucial if you want the dog to be kept in a longer length than 1/2". SPG has no desire to demat dogs that are in unusually poor condition (i.e...pelting, etc.). The groomer will determine the condition of the dog after beginning to work on your dog.

THE COMB TEST IS THE EASIEST WAY TO DETERMINE COAT CONDITION OF A DESIGNER BREED. THIS PROCESS INVOLVES TAKING A COMB THROUGH THE COAT ALL THE WAY TO THE SKIN AND PULLING IT OUT. IF THIS CAUSES PAIN AND DISTRESS TO YOUR DOG IN SEVERAL AREAS, YOUR DESIGNER BREED IS EITHER MATTED OR PELTED. SPG will only demat your dog if his or her temperament allows for it. Additional fees will apply as the process of dematting a dog takes hours. In most cases it is best to simply shave the dog and reevaluate your commitment and SPG's willingness to keeping your dog long.


***THIS POLICY IS CONSISTENT WITH SPG's LOVE FOR DOGS. While aesthetics are a wonderful part of our furry friends existence, their joy and comfort are the top priority of responsible groomers and loving owners. 


6. Right to Photograph

SPG reserves the right to photograph and film your pet and share this media in any way they deem reasonable unless you request via a message to the business number to the contrary. 

7. Injuries and Concerns about Quality

In the event that you are not satisfied with your groom and/or you believe your pet was injured during a groom, the following steps must be followed. Pictures must be taken and sent to SPG via the business number within 48 hours of the completion of services. In the event of an alleged injury, if veterinary services are needed, SPG must have photos of the alleged injury with a statement from your pets doctor as to the likely cause of the injuries. An invoice must be provided to SPG. SPG will resolve the issue within 30 days of being notified.

***SPG will not reimburse any client for veterinary services that are sought for skin irritation for a dog that was in poor coat condition. Client agrees that dematting can lead to irritation and is not the fault of SPG. 


In the event of a concern of quality, the following steps must be taken. Photos must be taken and submitted to SPG within 48 hours of the completion of services. A statement from a dissatisfied pet owner must be provided in writing--electronic submission is fine. SPG will review the concerns and offer a resolution within 48 hours of being made aware of the concern. The solution will be one of the following; groomer returns as soon as possible to correct the alleged mistake or a partial or full refund is given.

***allegations of injuries and/or quality concerns without photos, an explanation, and an invoice (injuries), will not be resolved. 


8. More Importantly...

Thank you for being a huge part of SPG and our family business. While any formal acknowledgement has to sound legal, strict, and even testy, you are not dealing with a corporation, but rather a man and a woman who love this area and are thankful that you have chosen to use our services. We commit to be as fair as possible when applying any of the aforementioned policies and ask that you do the same. Together, we can provide your pet with a safe and happy grooming experience and make a positive impact in our wonderful little community. 


Chris and Victoria Seigler
Owners and Groomers

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